Now in answering that question I’m obviously going to ruffle more than a few feathers. I have visions of the hernia the postman is going to have struggling down the garden to my letter box to deliver the hundreds of ice-cream cartons of female human poo!!! I will probably appear very self-centred. I know this because I will be talking mainly about me and what I felt and not really about her. In all fairness though how can I be so presumptuous to speak for her anyway?
Going Back in Time.
I’m a firm believer that if you want to get to an idea of a problem then you have go back to the beginning. As an example I read an article about breaking up only today (what timing, I’m getting it from all sides). In this article it explained basically why we feel so rotten when we get dumped and they put it down to our origins as tribal being. Basically being accepted and living within the tribe was good, getting rejected and kick out the tribe to fend for yourself, bad. Reason for that is that few people had what it took to survive in the wild, totally alone so rejection basically meant death.
Sounds Reasonable
Whether we still feel like dying I’m not sure. I know the last time I got the phone call to say “It’s not working, it’s not you it’s me…” I was like “cool, get well soon, good thing you caught me before I went for my run”. I was of the mind that obviously she had gone through a lot of pain and had managed to find a solution which would for her lead to less pain i.e. to break up and sort herself out. So I really wished her all the best.
Just good friends
I guess the challenge in today’s society is the perceived perfect stereo-typical model. The happy couple together forever etc. There is that jelly mould that society wants us all to be formed by. You see it every day. Posters, TV adverts and friends and family even sitcoms and movies. Everyone is on the hunt for “The ONE”! The truth is there has never ever been just the ONE. There are hundreds or possibly thousands of the ONEs out there. To be honest this is the biggest secret to conspiracy theory proportions.
There are laws of nature and we all subconsciously know it that are as definitive and real as the law of gravity. One such law is the Law of Attraction. It works in whatever way you want to apply it. This law at its heart says that whatever you centre your mind on will expand in your belief and manifest itself to you.
Basically whatever you think about and focus on you’ll get more of. I can see some of you thinking Colin has gone nuts and wo-woo! I can prove it though. Remember I said that it works ever way you want to apply it. In other words it can either work for you or against you. Here’s proof. Have you or any of your friends ever said the famous line “Oh, I can’t get a boy/girlfriend all the good ones are gone” or I can’t get a boy/girlfriend because I’m too…(old/young/fat/skinny/poor/rich/busy/stupid/clever etc..etc)? I bet you have and what happens at that point the mind focuses on the “Can’t” and reinforces it with the reason at the end of the sentence. That becomes the focus and that becomes the reality. We also know people that are the complete opposite. Who either say nothing at all about what they can’t do or appear to say what they want and they just get it. Guys (or girls) are literally falling over themselves to be with them. Why? It’s the law of attraction of course. Whatever you centre your mind on expands into your reality.
Now the fun thing is that the law works with everything, not just relationships.
Enough about me let’s talk about you….what do you think of me?!
No, I’m not quite that vain. I’m also not a demon either. I’m just someone feeling his way in world. The challenge is I am thinking a lot wider. I’m thinking, what is the bottom, bottom line according to me, because at the end of the day regardless what happens and who you decide to end up with you have to be at peace with YOU. You are the most important person you’re ever likely to know. There is only one YOU! Not only that, but there has to be the understanding that only you can control you. Yes, it is true you can attract things to you. But they will only be attracted by what you do or think. What you think and believe sows the seed, but in today’s society we can very often we sow the seed of “lack”. In other words we concentrate the fact that we are starving for love, for a man, for a woman for money. That lack is the seed not the thing we want. I am lonely, I am unhappy. You left me and made me sad. When you were in my life you made me happy.
Did they really or did you chose to feel that way by yourself?
At the end of the day most of the emotions that we initially believe were caused by someone else were in fact allowed by ourselves. We actually choose to be happy, or sad in the most part. I know in the past when I felt “Oh crap, my life sucks” and then waking up the next day and everything has appeared to change to “wow, I feel I can kick the shit out of this problem, I’m a warrior”. I was still in the same situation both times, nothing had changed and yet the next day I allowed myself to feel dynamic as opposed to the day before to feel like crap and my life sucked. I chose… it was my choice!
All this doesn’t exactly help with her broken heart of course, but hopefully something here will say it’s all for the best and we are not merely passengers. We do have control over our life experiences. Not saying it will be easy to do but like anywhere we want to get to we have to first work out which direction we want to go and then do whatever we can to move ourselves there.